For anyone in the beauty industry (or any industry) social media is a great way to build brand awareness and gain new business, but creating your social media accounts is just the first step. The [...]
The first time I heard of a Salon Suite was in 2005. The person that cut my hair at the time told me that she was starting her “own salon”. My first reaction was surprise because I thought she [...]
Working at Disney and networking smarts made Lisa Poliafico the local prom hair queen. Right about now, gaggles of girls are Googling “prom hair and makeup” and “salons for prom hair.” If you’re [...]
Not all social media channels have the same purpose—or the same best uses. Among suite renters, Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social channels but you should always focus on where [...]
Here’s how to create makeovers that get buzz and bring in new clients fast. Everyone thinks dramatic makeovers get the most attention but the best ones for your business show the type of clients [...]
Most Renters Say, “I’m My Brand.” But What’s the Best Recipe for Communicating You? Victoria Wurdinger Branding is a process. While it involves a name and a logo, your decor and even how you [...]
The Best Promotions Turn a One-Off Event into a Full Suite for Months. By Victoria Wurdinger Emily Sideserf (Kami Studio, LLC; PHIX Salon Suites, Strongsville, OH) won’t be working this [...]
How to be successful as a salon suite renter—and stay that way In any salon, current clients should always come first. Too often, promotions are aimed at getting new customers, and those with a [...]
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